Help for Youth
American Psychological Association - Health advisory on adolescent social media use, including recommendations. https://www.apa.org/topics/social-media-internet/health-advisory-adolescent-social-media-use
Apathy is Boring - Apathy is Boring is a non-partisan, charitable organization that supports and educates youth to be active and contributing citizens in Canada’s democracy. https://www.apathyisboring.com/
Building Resilience & Confronting Risk - A Parents & Caregivers Guide to Online Radicalization - An in-depth guide to countering online radicalization. https://www.splcenter.org/sites/default/files/2022january31_splc_peril_parents_and_caregivers_guide_jan_2022.pdf
Cybertip.ca - Cybertip.ca is Canada’s tipline for reporting the online sexual abuse and exploitation of children. Cybertip.ca operates under the Government of Canada’s National Strategy for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation on the Internet. https://cybertip.ca
Extreme Dialogue - Extreme Dialogue fosters crucial discussions on empathy, unity, and acceptance. It equips schools and communities to meet safeguarding mandates and empowers young people through active citizenship.. https://extremedialogue.org/educational-resources/
Extreme Measures Toolkit - This toolkit aims to help educators, parents, and families support young people in understanding and resisting domestic extremist recruitment efforts. Their approach is to provide educational information and put tools into the hands of the adults in young people’s lives. https://www.adl.org/sites/default/files/extreme-measures-toolkit.pdf
HOPE (Helping Other Parents Everywhere) - Hope is a volunteer-run network of peer support groups for parents and guardians who share similar struggles, experiences, and concerns related to their adolescent or young adult children. https://hope4parents.ca/
Media Smarts - MediaSmarts develops digital and media literacy programs and resources for Canadian homes, schools and communities. Through their work, they support adults with information and tools to help children and teens develop the critical thinking skills they need to interact with the media they love. https://mediasmarts.ca
Protect Kids Online - Operated by the Canadian Centre for Child Protection, ProtectKidsOnline.ca is designed to assist parents/guardians in protecting their children on the Internet and reducing their risk of victimization. https://protectkidsonline.ca
RCMP Youth Internet Safety Resources - A series of resources for youth internet safety. https://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/is-si/index-eng.htm
Screen Hate - SCREEN Hate provides tips and resources on how to talk to youth about extremism. https://screenhate.org
Unsilenced - Unsilenced supports victims of institutional child abuse, particularly within the Troubled Teen Industry (TTI). Instead of offering genuine help, TTI facilities often subject youths to maltreatment, neglect, and even assault. Their mission is to advocate for alternatives to institutionalization, promoting family and community-based solutions. Through education, awareness, community support, and policy reform, Unsilenced works to safeguard youth rights. https://www.unsilenced.org
Youth Wellness Hubs Ontario - Ontario's 22 YWHO Hub Networks offer young people (ages 12-25) a one-stop shop for integrated services, including mental health, healthcare, substance use, social supports, and more.. https://youthhubs.ca/